Teabag experiments in Tunisia

Implementation of a new experiment in Tunisia olive groves. To evaluate the ecosystem services of nutrient and carbon cycling, an experiment of litter decomposition, using the teabag method, was implemented …

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Visit our Joint Youtube channel – Sustainable Intensification in Africa-SFS35 H2020 Projects Partners: What we are doing The agricultural sectors in Africa and Europe share the common challenge of moving …

Empowering Agricultural Sustainability

SustInAfrica Workshops in Tunisia, Egypt, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Ghana Background The SustInAfrica project addresses multifaceted challenges affecting communities in Tunisia, Egypt, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Ghana. Issues such as …

SustInAfrica Progress Report 2022

SustInAfrica has started on September 20 and is expected to be concluded in August 25. The overall goal of is to empower West and North African smallholder farmers and small- …